What Should Babies Wear in Summer?

Summer is a delightful time for outdoor family activities, and at Baby Bloomers, we understand the importance of keeping your little ones both comfortable and protected from the sun's rays. As your trusted partner in children's apparel, we offer this guide to help you navigate the choices in baby clothing for warm days and cooler evenings. Here, we'll focus on the best fabrics and styles from our extensive collection, ensuring your baby is stylishly outfitted for the summer season.

How Many Layers Should a Baby Wear in Summer?

Layering is essential for dressing your baby in the summer. Typically, babies should wear one more layer than adults. Start with a lightweight base layer like a onesie to keep moisture away from the skin, followed by a breathable long-sleeve shirt or a sun-protective top for direct sunlight exposure.

On cooler mornings or evenings, you might add a light jacket or sweater. These layers should be easy to add or remove based on temperature and comfort. For expert tips on selecting baby clothes, check out this guide to dressing babies, which offers practical advice on choosing clothes that are manageable and comfortable.

Do Babies Need Onesies in the Summer?

Yes, onesies are essential for summer. They are versatile, lightweight, and provide a soft layer that absorbs sweat, keeping the baby's skin dry. Cotton onesies are especially suitable as they are breathable and gentle on sensitive skin. For additional sun safety tips and the importance of covering your baby, refer to the Skin Cancer Foundation's advice on protecting your baby's skin from harmful sun exposure.

What is the Best Fabric for Baby Clothes in Summer?

The ideal fabrics for baby clothes in summer are lightweight, breathable, and made from natural fibers. Cotton is highly recommended due to its softness, breathability, and moisture absorption properties, keeping your baby cool and comfortable. Avoid synthetic fibers that can trap heat and irritate the skin.

Choose garments made from tightly woven fabrics for outdoor protection, and consider sun-protective clothing to shield against UV rays. Learn more about selecting the right fabrics and protective clothing in this guide from UCSF Benioff Children's Hospitals.

Featured Baby Bloomers Products for Summer:

Sun Safety for Babies

Protecting your baby from the sun is critical to prevent burns and long-term skin damage. The American Academy of Pediatrics and the FDA recommend keeping infants younger than 6 months out of direct sunlight. This FDA guide explains why infants should avoid sunscreen due to their sensitive skin.

For added protection:

  • Wear a hat
  • Opt for sun-protective clothing with a UPF rating of 30 or higher.
  • Avoid outdoor activities during peak sun hours (10 AM to 4 PM).
  • Seek shade and use stroller or car window shades.

Check out these stylish summer hats from baby bloomers:

Let Baby Bloomers Get Your Little Ones Summer-Ready!


Dressing your baby for summer involves choosing the right fabrics, the appropriate number of layers, and adequate sun protection. By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure your baby enjoys the summer safely and comfortably. Adjust clothing choices based on your baby’s comfort and specific weather conditions. For more insights on parenting and baby care, visit our Baby Bloomers blog for a variety of informative articles tailored for new and experienced parents.

For any further queries or to explore our collections in person, feel free to contact us or call us at (843) 856-9277. We look forward to helping you find the perfect summer outfits for your little ones!